BKI aims to generate Shareholders an increasing income stream in the form of fully franked dividends through long term investments in a portfolio assets that are also able to deliver capital growth.

Dividend Policy

BKI will pay the maximum amount of realised profits after tax to its shareholders in the form of fully franked dividends to the extent permitted by the Corporations Act, the Income Tax Assessment Act and prudent business practices from profits obtained through interest, dividends and other income it receives from its investments.

Pay Out Ratio Target: 90% – 95% of the Net Operating Result.

Key Dates – Dividends

*these dates may be subject to change and the final dividend payment is subject to Board approval:

Last trading date to be eligible for dividends
Monday 5 August 2024*
Ex-dividend dateTuesday 6 August 2024*
Record dateWednesday 7 August 2024*
DRP nominationThursday 8 August 2024*
Dividend payment dateThursday 29 August 2024*

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

BKI currently maintains a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP), offering shareholders the opportunity to acquire further ordinary shares in BKI without having to incur brokerage fees.

The DRP is currently not offered at a discount. For further information regarding the DRP, please click here to read the DRP Booklet.

To participate in the DRP, or to change your existing participation in the DRP, please contact our share registry, Link Market Services on telephone +61 1300 853 816 or by email bki@linkmarketservices.com.au. Link will provide you with a personalized form to participate or change your existing participation.